Its been quite a while since I wrote one of these updates and an awful lot has changed. I hope everyone reading this is healthy and coping with the changes to their lives brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Back when I last updated this website I had a plan for 2020 which would have been amazing. I was going to travel in the Caribbean until February, then return to Monaco to tutor and refill my budget before flying to Indonesia to learn to scuba dive and spend the rest of the year in South East Asia.
So that didn’t happen!
I feel incredibly lucky that I was back in Europe before the worst of the COVID situation started. Since then the tutoring work moved entirely online and I decided it would be best to retreat to my parent’s house in Bristol and wait this out there. I am grateful that my parents were ok with this, that my boss was ok with this and that I’ve been able to continue working, I know its been far harder for a vast number of people.
For now I’m stuck here. A huge number of countries have banned all foreigners from entering in order to combat the virus (check out which here) and even if I could get into anywhere it won’t be easy, safe or responsible to try to travel for the moment. Hopefully while I’m back I’ll be able to catch up with everyone, enjoy the UK summer and maybe an overdue wine date. But as soon as it is doable I will be heading back to the road as fast as I can!
With my downtime I’ve finally managed to write up all of my experiences from the Caribbean. From New Years in Puerto Rico, to island hopping, to whether a cruise is a good idea or not.
Check out the main Caribbean article here: Travelling in the Caribbean
I hope you enjoy what I’ve put together. I’m going to aim to write much more for this website this summer!
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Stats since my Last Update
Days on the Road – Jan 31/31, Feb 11/29
Countries Visited – USA (Puerto Rico), St Lucia, Barbados, St Kitts & Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica
Total Time Travelling – 47 days
Best Food – Puerto Rican Mofongo
Longest Journey – Puerto Rico to Aruba 729km, 32 hours by cruise ship
Worst Moments – Sea sickness between Dominica and Martinique
Best Memory – Every part of my stay on Dominica. Hiking, food, company, hitchhiking, nature, it was incredible
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