Kangding is a meeting point, halfway between the Han lowlands of Sichuan and the Tibetan highlands of the Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Not only is it an almost necessary stopping point on the bus journeys but it’s a mixture of the two cultures, the cuisines and is about halfway up to the high-altitude regions of the plateau.

This area used to be difficult and time consuming to reach but Chinese infrastructure has developed so quickly in this region that there are now easy bus journeys on perfect highways through the magnificent valleys.

The town is beautiful and colourful, day and night and is well worth a stop and explore on your way to the highlands.

Basic Travel Information

  • Province – Sichuan
  • Season to Visit – Not in winter
  • Route there – Bus from Chengdu, Litang or Daocheng
  • Duration – 2 days
  • Recommended – Yes, its beautiful and means you are heading into Tibetan areas, which you should definitely do!

My Story

Despite how I described it above, Kangding had not been on my intended route through Tibetan Sichuan. I had been planning to head further north to Seda Larung Wuming Tibetan Buddhist Institute. Sadly this is one of those sites under “renovation” by the government. There are much more accurate descriptions than this that I will save for a separate discussion.

Having changed my route for this valley i took the incredible bus journey to get here. The highway has been carved through the valleys and mountains with spectacular views on every side.

Kangding valley, China
Night lights in Kangding, China

When I arrived I was greeted by weather that changed constantly for my whole walk through town. From sunshine to a sudden thunderstorm to mist and rainbows, each light showing of more of the colourful tibetan architecture.

I then found out that my hostel wasn’t where the map marked it but was actually significantly higher up the steep side of the valley.

If there is ever a reason to pack light it is moments like these!

A wonderful evening of Tibetan food, excellent company and bundling up by the fire ensued. By November the mountain valleys are already cold and get far more so at night.

An important tip for anyone heading into this region. Always check that you have a working electric blanket before you pay for your hostel. You are going to need it.

On a more positive note the town was even more beautiful at night, with twinkling lights all over the mountain sides, brightly lit bridges and locals dancing in the town squares.

It was a wonderful welcome back to Tibet and I should have stayed longer. However the recommendation was to book your onwards bus ticket to Litang immediately when you arrive in town. While I wish I’d allowed more days here this advice is solid, there is only one bus a day and it fills very fast.

Kangding rainbow, china

Logistics & Prices

Intercity bus to/from Chengdu: Multiple per day from Kangding bus station and Chengdu Xinnanmen Bus Station, 124 RMB, takes 4.5 hours

Intercity bus to/from Litang: Only 1 bus per day early morning. Make sure to book a ticket the day before. Takes 6-6.5 hours, 93 RMB

Intercity bus to/from Daocheng: 1 bus per day each way, 8am from Kangding, 6:10am from Daocheng. Takes 8 hours to Daocheng and 5 hours to Kangding according to the timetable, 155 RMB

Places Nearby & Trip Planning

Include in any trip through Tibetan Sichuan along with the following:

  • Chengdu
  • Tagong
  • Litang
  • Daocheng
  • Yading
  • Shangri-La

When to Visit

I would not advise travelling through this region in Winter, from December onwards. The weather would be extremely cold and the daylight hours short. Also there would be a significant risk of snow blocking the bus routes through the valleys and over the passes.

Spring, Summer & Autumn would all provide much better opportunities to explore and take advantage of the hiking.

Further Information

These websites were my favourite sources of general information for this location:


Last Updated: November 2019

Alistair Roweth
Alistair RowethTraveller & Tutor
I've spent more than 2 years travelling around the world. I hope you enjoy my attempt to write down and pass on some of the information that I have learned along the way.

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One of the biggest problem I have found with online travel information is that it becomes obsolete very quickly. If you have read anything here that you think may be incorrect, incomplete or out of date then please send me a message using the Contact page or leave a comment below.

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