I’ve never really been much of a hitchhiker. I love it when it works and end up hitching short distances all the time when I travel but for anything long distance I normally steer clear and go for the public transport option instead.
I’m not even really sure why… its generally more fun, saves so much money and pretty much guarantees a more interesting way to get to where you’re going. I guess I just like the certainty that when I set off I will make it to my destination that day and can start thinking of what I want to do next.
Anyway this particular trip was one of the best of my hitchhiking experiences so far, when public transport failed me and the Taiwanese people very much did not!

The Plan
I had been staying in Yuchi Township near Sun Moon Lake and was hoping to travel across the island to Taraco National Park. Its only a short distance but the centre of Taiwan is made up of high mountains which most public transport avoids in favor of running round the coast.
In theory there was a bus to nearby Puli township and another from there to Hualian along the exact road I wanted to go. I would just be able to jump off when I got the right town. Theories are so cute and simple in hindsight aren’t they.
What actually happened
The first bus existed, the second one did not! Whether it was the wrong day, a weekend or if it never ran was unclear but the bus station said a very clear no and directed me to a bus stop across town. After an hour or so of walking and getting help but few answers from the car dealership next to the bus stop I gave up.
Having decided to hitchhike the first step was to get across town to somewhere where I might actually be successful. I started walking along the main road, thumb out hoping someone would give me a ride in that direction.
With a bit more research I might have realised that putting your thumb up at the side of the road is not a generally understood signal for hitchhiking here! I learned this lesson the annoying way after a dozen drivers had given me a thumbs up in return rather than stopping!
Eventually a lovely woman with 2 kids stopped and offered me a ride. With some translation via a friend at the other end of her phone we worked out that I just needed to get to the edge of town. She was completely confused by this (why would I be going to a petrol station??) but delighted that her 8 year old son in the back could practice his English as we drove.
Not all hitchhiking spots are equal and I’m always going to go looking for one like this in future! A petrol station and convenience store right where the highway ends and the only road across to Hualian begins, literally perfect.

It took less than 20 minutes before a wonderful Taiwanese couple pulled up and offered to take me the whole way. They were going to Hualian, right through the town I was aiming for so it all worked out great. They were absolutely wonderful people and we chatted the entire drive.
The drive itself was astonishing, the mountain road across Taiwan is crazy going right up into and above the clouds. It winds right next to huge cliffs has numerous extremely steep sections and takes a long time to cross due to the constant twists and turns and the sections closed for maintenance so that traffic can only go in one direction at a time.
The day was eventful and overall a complete success. I made it to where I was hoping to get to, didn’t have to spend much and had an amazing time chatting to the Taiwanese couple. I wish all hitchhiking attempts could be as successful as this but its still the example I remember any time I’m trying to decide whether to hitch to my next destination.

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